CD³² Prototypes |
Beim Abbummeln meiner XOL 50 Freistunden-CD stieß ich vor längerer Zeit auf eine Seite mit Bildern und Beschreibungen von Prototypboards für das CD³² bzw. die CD³² Erweiterung "CD1200" und die Erweiterung "CD Gamesystem 030" |
Gemacht wurden die Bilder u.a. von Ryan E.A. Czerwinski der heute noch so aussieht wie die Computerpioniere von früher ;-) Und Besitzer(?) von Merlancia ist, die ja unter anderem die Rechte am Amiga MCC Design usw. gekauft haben. Außerdem scheint er auch eine Vielzahl der Boards, die Dave Haynie 2001 bei ebay versteigerte, gekauft zu haben. Vielen Dank Ryan! |
Doch jetzt legt los mit Euren Englischkenntnissen. |
"This text is a brief summary of the items seen on this pages. The images were taken on 29th September 2000 by both Harv Laser and Ryan E. A. Czerwinski using Harv's SONY Mavica FD-91 digital camera. All items presented here are property of Ryan E. A. Czerwinski, and are part of the ITACHA archive ( The following images are jointly Copyright 2000 Harv Laser/Ryan E. A. Czerwinski. Permission is granted to reproduce the images, so long as proper notification is given with them as to this Copyright notice and credit is given to Ryan E. A. Czerwinski, Harv Laser, and ITACHA. Please do not modify these images. You may add captions to the images, using the text shown here as desired so long as the captions do not in any way overlap the image. You are free to use these images for your own personal enjoyment. Commercial use of ANY KIND is strictly prohibited, included promotional usage unless written permission is obtained from the Copyright holders. Some code words are used in the descriptions. Please refer to the following list to understand the codes." -REAC |
CD³² loop around prelim w/o anti-corrosive and low nr final. This is the loop around card that is used on the CD³² with products such as the MPEG (FMV) card and the 030 card (as seen in this set also). |
CD³² debug (test) board Rev1 final. Used to test and add ports to the CD³² |
Close-up of the silk-screen text on the CD³² debug board Rev1 |
CD³² debug (test) board Rev2 prelim, incomplete. Same as the rev 1 board, save for a few minor changes. |
Close-up of the silk-screen text on the CD³² debug board Rev2 prelim |
Audio switch board rev 2.0 (for CD³²?) prelim. No anti-corrosive. Part of WC Engineering Centre test system. "Real usage undetermined". |
Zoom in of silk-screen on Audio switch board. |
CD Error rate counter Rev 1.0, for CD³². Part of WC Engineering Centre test station. Used to check errors on the cd controller. |
Zoom in of CD Error rate counter silk-screen. |
YC Test Card Rev 1. Used on CD³² test station at Commodore West Chester. IIRC, it is used to test the serial/keyboard port. |
Zoom-in of silk-screen on YC card. |
"Spellbound" Revision 4.1 preliminary logic board and CD controller. No anti-corrosive. "Spellbound" was the internal code name of the CD³². |
Close up shot of the silk-screen on the Spellbound logic board. |
"Full Spread" shot of the Spellbound 4.1 logic board. |
Another angle close up of the silk-screening on the Spellbound. |
Close up of the Copyright silk-screen on Spellbound. |
CD³² CD Controller card prelim Rev 1.0 without anti-corrosive masking. This controls the Phillips CD-ROM on the CD³². |
Close up of silk screening showing Copyright info, etc. on centre of CD³² CD-ROM controller card. |
Close up of CD-ROM controller showing Phillips info silk-screen. |
Back side of "Spellbound" logic board. |
CD1200 case- The CD1200 was the expansion module for the A1200 that gave it a CD-ROM drive and the ability to run CD³² programs. The unit was never produced. It resembled a CD³² case that was cut in half, and schematics for the device are also in the hands of ITACHA. The shown CD1200 is the only known case unit and has no logic board in it. Others most likely exist. Their status is currently unknown. |
CD1200 case back plane. Note the cutouts in the back plane for ports. |
"CD GAME SYSTEM 030" card. This is an accelerator for the CD³². Sorry, it does not work (properly). Commodore planned ot produce a CD³² mouse and keyboard set with a Workbench CD at one time. This would have been used in conjunction with the "computer kit". A CD³² mouse is in possession of ITACHA |